Friday, November 23, 2007


Early in the day on Thanksgiving I was listening to Morning Becomes Eclectic on KCRW. At one point a track began, very lounge, very sixties, very Hugo Montenegro, with wordless male vocals moving things along. After a few seconds I thought, “What are they playing, the theme to LADY IN CEMENT?” Then I thought, “How could I possibly pick out the theme to LADY IN CEMENT so quickly? And why would they be playing that? It can’t be LADY IN CEMENT. It’s not even a good movie.” Then, a moment later, the DJ came on, telling us we were listening to Hugo Montenegro’s theme to LADY IN CEMENT. Oy.

So on the occasion of that reminder of the person that I am and all of the things swimming around up in my brain, I have reached my One-Hundredth post. When I first started this blog, I wasn’t sure if it would last a month. Instead, I have found it to be an enjoyable and fulfilling way to express my continuing love for film. My thanks to anyone and everyone who is reading this and has sent supportive comments my way.

Now, for no other reason except to help celebrate the occasion, here's a photo of Mrs. Peel herself, Diana Rigg. Cheers.


  1. Congrats on the milestone. Of all the blogs I read, yours is my favorite. Just out of curiousity, have you seen Zodiac and do you plan on writing a blog about it?

  2. Thanks very much for that, Matt. And I have seen and loved ZODIAC, but was waiting to write up something on it for when I get to see the director's cut. So hopefully that'll happen soon.

  3. "100th post"-very episodic television of you.

  4. Mrs. Peel--

    It seemed necessary to mark the occasion, but since sweeps are over I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. And congrats to you on hitting the one-year mark!

  5. Super-congrats on reaching 100(+!)- but you are DEAD WRONG -- LADY IN CEMENT is a jewel in the crown! Gronsky lives!!!;)

  6. Many thanks to everyone over at Destructible Man, but you're going to have to do some work to convince me on LADY IN CEMENT. TONY ROME, on the other hand, I'll gladly take--that poster with Sinatra standing over the girl on the bed has to be one of the best ever!
